How to Handle His Snake Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty, A Comprehensive Guide

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – Mastering the duo of Yumi Sin and Kitty in League of Legends requires a deep understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and synergies. This guide delves into every aspect of their gameplay, providing players with the knowledge and strategies to dominate the Rift.

From identifying Yumi Sin’s high mobility and burst damage potential to understanding Kitty’s versatile support abilities, this guide covers everything players need to know about this dynamic duo. By optimizing their team composition, itemization, and gameplay strategies, players can unleash the full potential of Yumi Sin and Kitty and lead their team to victory.

Identifying Yumi Sin’s Strengths and Weaknesses

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin, the enigmatic assassin from League of Legends, possesses a unique set of abilities that make her both a formidable opponent and a fragile target. Understanding her strengths and weaknesses is crucial for mastering this high-skill champion.

Strengths, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin excels in highly mobile gameplay, with her ability to swiftly navigate the battlefield and catch unsuspecting enemies off guard. Her signature move, “Dimension Slash,” allows her to dash through enemies, dealing damage and leaving behind a trail of slowed enemies.

Furthermore, Yumi Sin’s burst damage potential is exceptional. Her “Critical Strike” passive amplifies her auto-attack damage, while her “Wind Slash” ability unleashes a flurry of strikes that can quickly eliminate vulnerable targets.


Despite her strengths, Yumi Sin is highly vulnerable to crowd control effects. Her lack of innate crowd control immunity makes her susceptible to stuns, slows, and knock-ups, which can severely limit her mobility and damage output.

Additionally, Yumi Sin’s sustain capabilities are limited. She lacks inherent healing abilities, making her vulnerable to attrition damage over extended fights. Prolonged engagements can quickly deplete her health, forcing her to retreat or risk being eliminated.

Understanding Kitty’s Abilities and Counters

Kitty’s abilities provide significant support to Yumi Sin, enhancing her damage output, mobility, and survivability.

Kitty’s Abilities

  • -*Scattershot

    For expert advice on handling snakes, refer to resources like how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty .

    Kitty fires a barrage of projectiles, dealing damage to nearby enemies. This ability can be used to harass opponents, clear waves, or set up combos with Yumi Sin.

  • -*Pounce

    Kitty leaps onto an enemy, dealing damage and stunning them. This ability allows Yumi Sin to engage enemies or follow up on Kitty’s Scattershot.

  • -*Empower

    Kitty grants an ally champion a temporary attack speed and damage boost. This ability can significantly increase Yumi Sin’s damage output and burst potential.

Counters to Kitty’s Abilities

  • -*Crowd Control

    Abilities that stun, knock up, or slow Kitty can interrupt her abilities and prevent her from providing support to Yumi Sin.

  • -*Anti-Mobility

    Champions with abilities that can lock down Kitty or limit her movement can effectively counter her mobility and make it difficult for her to reach her targets.

  • -*Burst Damage

    Champions with high burst damage can quickly eliminate Kitty before she can use her abilities effectively.

Positioning Kitty Effectively

To maximize Kitty’s impact, position her behind Yumi Sin or in a safe location where she can avoid enemy threats. Use bushes or other obstacles to protect Kitty from enemy engage. Prioritize targets that are isolated or vulnerable to Kitty’s abilities.

Building a Team Composition Around Yumi Sin and Kitty

When crafting a team composition around Yumi Sin and Kitty, synergy is paramount. Yumi Sin’s ability to latch onto allies and Kitty’s healing and crowd control make them a formidable duo, but their effectiveness can be greatly enhanced by selecting champions that complement their abilities.

For practical guidance on snake handling, refer to resources like how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty .


Engagers initiate fights and create opportunities for Yumi Sin to attach herself to a carry. Champions like Leona, Nautilus, or Alistar excel in this role, providing hard crowd control and tankiness to protect Yumi Sin and her host.

Crowd Control

Crowd control is crucial for keeping enemies locked down and vulnerable to Yumi Sin’s damage. Champions like Morgana, Lux, or Ashe provide reliable crowd control through stuns, roots, and slows, enabling Yumi Sin to unleash her full potential.


Protectors shield Yumi Sin and her host from enemy threats. Champions like Lulu, Janna, or Karma offer shields, heals, and movement speed buffs, ensuring Yumi Sin’s survival and maximizing her damage output.

Examples of Effective Team Compositions

  • Yumi Sin, Kitty, Leona, Morgana, Lulu
  • Yumi Sin, Kitty, Nautilus, Lux, Janna
  • Yumi Sin, Kitty, Alistar, Ashe, Karma

Itemization for Yumi Sin and Kitty

Itemization is a crucial aspect of maximizing the potential of Yumi Sin and Kitty. The right items can enhance their strengths, cover their weaknesses, and adapt to different game scenarios.

Yumi Sin’s Itemization

Yumi Sin benefits from items that increase her damage output, attack speed, and mobility. Core items include:

  • Blade of the Ruined King:Grants attack damage, attack speed, lifesteal, and on-hit damage, enhancing Yumi Sin’s damage potential and sustain.
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade:Provides attack damage, attack speed, and on-hit effects, increasing Yumi Sin’s damage output and synergy with other items.
  • Infinity Edge:Grants critical strike chance, damage, and attack speed, significantly boosting Yumi Sin’s burst damage.

Situational Items

Depending on the game situation, other items can be considered:

  • Mortal Reminder:Against healing-heavy teams, this item provides armor penetration and grievous wounds, reducing enemy healing and increasing Yumi Sin’s damage effectiveness.
  • Randuin’s Omen:Grants armor, health, and an active ability that reduces enemy attack speed, making Yumi Sin more durable and resilient.
  • Black Cleaver:Provides armor penetration, health, and a passive that reduces enemy armor, enhancing Yumi Sin’s damage output and team-fighting potential.

Kitty’s Itemization

Kitty’s itemization focuses on enhancing her utility, protection, and damage mitigation.

  • Locket of the Iron Solari:Grants armor, magic resistance, and an active ability that provides a shield to nearby allies, increasing team survivability.
  • Knight’s Vow:Provides health, armor, and an aura that redirects a portion of damage taken by nearby allies to Kitty, protecting them.
  • Zeke’s Convergence:Grants health, armor, and an active ability that slows enemies and increases allied attack speed, enhancing team-fighting potential.

Situational Items

Based on the game scenario, other items may be beneficial:

  • Thornmail:Against heavy physical damage teams, this item provides armor and reflects a portion of damage taken, making Kitty more durable and deterring enemy attacks.
  • Redemption:Grants health and mana, and an active ability that heals nearby allies, increasing team sustain and survivability.
  • Abyssal Mask:Provides magic resistance, health, and an aura that reduces enemy magic resistance, enhancing Kitty’s damage mitigation and team-fighting capabilities.

Laning Phase Strategies

The laning phase for Yumi Sin and Kitty revolves around controlling the lane, farming efficiently, and avoiding ganks. Kitty’s abilities, especially “Pounce” and “Fury of the Beast,” can be utilized to harass and zone enemy champions. This allows Yumi Sin to farm safely and secure kills when opportunities arise.

Controlling the Lane and Farming Efficiently

Yumi Sin’s “Piercing Arrow” and Kitty’s “Pounce” can be used to harass enemy champions and push the lane. By using “Pounce” to initiate trades, Kitty can create opportunities for Yumi Sin to follow up with “Piercing Arrow” and deal significant damage.

Additionally, Kitty’s “Fury of the Beast” can be used to clear minion waves quickly, allowing Yumi Sin to focus on harassing enemy champions.

Avoiding Ganks

To avoid ganks, it is crucial for Yumi Sin and Kitty to maintain vision of the lane. Kitty’s “Scouting Orb” can be placed in key locations to provide vision and warn of incoming ganks. Additionally, Yumi Sin’s “Swift Shadow” can be used to escape ganks or chase down enemies.

Mid and Late Game Strategies

As the game progresses into the mid and late stages, Yumi Sin and Kitty must adapt their strategies to maintain their dominance and secure victory.

Map awareness becomes crucial, as both champions excel at roaming and ganking. They must constantly track enemy movements and coordinate with their team to exploit opportunities for kills and objectives.

For comprehensive instructions on snake handling, consider using resources such as how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty .

Objective Control

Yumi Sin and Kitty’s mobility and crowd control abilities make them excellent objective controllers. They can secure early dragons and rift heralds to gain map control and pressure the enemy team.

In the mid game, they can rotate between lanes, applying pressure and creating space for their team to farm and push towers. As the game transitions into the late game, they can focus on securing Baron Nashor, which grants their team a significant power spike.

Team Fights

Yumi Sin and Kitty excel in team fights due to their ability to disrupt enemy formations and deal sustained damage. Yumi Sin’s ultimate, Dragon’s Rage, can knock up multiple enemies, creating opportunities for her team to follow up with damage.

Kitty’s passive, Kitty’s Claws, provides her with bonus damage and attack speed, making her a potent threat in extended fights. Her ultimate, Nine Lives, grants her a temporary resurrection, allowing her to continue dealing damage even after being taken down.

Dealing with Different Enemy Team Compositions

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of Yumi Sin and Kitty is essential, but it is equally crucial to recognize the challenges posed by different enemy team compositions. By adapting playstyles and strategies to counter these compositions, players can increase their chances of success.

When facing a team with multiple crowd control abilities, such as Morgana, Amumu, or Ashe, Yumi Sin and Kitty can struggle to engage and deal damage effectively. To counter this, players should prioritize building items that provide crowd control immunity or reduction, such as Quicksilver Sash or Mercurial Scimitar.

Additionally, they should focus on positioning themselves carefully to avoid being caught out and isolated.

Tank-Heavy Compositions

Teams with multiple tanks, such as Sion, Malphite, or Ornn, can make it difficult for Yumi Sin and Kitty to burst down targets. To overcome this, players should focus on building items that provide armor penetration and true damage, such as Lord Dominik’s Regards or Black Cleaver.

They should also look to coordinate with their team to focus on one target at a time and avoid getting bogged down in prolonged team fights.

High-Mobility Compositions

Teams with champions that have high mobility, such as Yasuo, LeBlanc, or Akali, can pose a threat to Yumi Sin and Kitty. To counter this, players should prioritize building items that provide slow effects or movement speed buffs, such as Rylai’s Crystal Scepter or Dead Man’s Plate.

They should also focus on positioning themselves defensively and avoiding overextending.

Advanced Techniques for Yumi Sin and Kitty

Yumi Sin and Kitty, when combined, form a formidable duo in the League of Legends. Mastering advanced techniques with these champions can significantly enhance their performance.

Wall Jumping with Yumi Sin

Yumi Sin’s unique ability to attach to walls grants her exceptional mobility. By exploiting this ability, players can perform wall jumps to navigate terrain swiftly and execute surprise attacks. To execute a wall jump, attach to a wall and immediately cast an ability (Q, W, or E) to propel yourself over it.

Animation Canceling with Yumi Sin

Animation canceling involves interrupting the animation of one ability with another, allowing Yumi Sin to perform actions more efficiently. For instance, by canceling the end of her Q animation with an auto-attack, she can optimize her damage output and shorten her attack animation.

Combo Optimization with Yumi Sin

Mastering combo optimization is crucial for maximizing Yumi Sin’s burst damage. The ideal combo sequence for maximum damage is: R > Q > E > W > auto-attack. By executing this combo efficiently, Yumi Sin can quickly eliminate high-priority targets.

Kitty’s Abilities for Mobility and Damage

Kitty’s abilities offer Yumi Sin numerous benefits. By casting W on Yumi Sin, Kitty can grant her bonus movement speed, enhancing her mobility for chasing or escaping. Additionally, Kitty’s E ability can be used to protect Yumi Sin from incoming damage, increasing her survivability.

Mastering Techniques for Improved Gameplay

To master these advanced techniques, practice is essential. Custom games or practice tools provide an excellent environment to hone these skills. By dedicating time to practicing, players can significantly improve their gameplay with Yumi Sin and Kitty.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When playing Yumi Sin and Kitty, it’s essential to avoid common pitfalls that can hinder your team’s success. Here are some prevalent mistakes to watch out for:

Overextending in the Laning Phase

Many players tend to overextend when using Yumi Sin and Kitty due to their mobility and burst damage. However, this can lead to them being caught out of position and punished by enemy ganks or team fights. To avoid this, it’s crucial to stay within a safe range and only engage when you have a clear advantage.

For guidance on managing snakes, it is advisable to consult resources such as how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty .

Mistiming Kitty’s Abilities

Kitty’s abilities have specific timings that can make or break a team fight. For instance, using Kitty’s ultimate too early can prevent it from interrupting critical enemy abilities. To avoid this, practice timing Kitty’s abilities and anticipate the best moment to use them.

Ignoring Team Coordination

Yumi Sin and Kitty excel in team fights when they coordinate with their teammates. However, some players may focus too much on individual plays and neglect team coordination. This can lead to missed opportunities and a lack of synergy. To avoid this, communicate with your team, prioritize objectives, and follow up on each other’s plays.

Underestimating Enemy Crowd Control

Yumi Sin and Kitty are vulnerable to crowd control effects due to their reliance on mobility and burst damage. Failing to anticipate and counter enemy crowd control can result in them being shut down and unable to contribute effectively. To avoid this, consider building items or runes that provide crowd control reduction and be aware of potential enemy crowd control abilities.

Poor Itemization

Choosing the right items for Yumi Sin and Kitty is crucial for their success. However, some players may make mistakes in itemization, such as building damage items too early or neglecting defensive items. To avoid this, carefully consider the enemy team composition and adjust your itemization accordingly.

Prioritize items that enhance your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses.

Synergies with Other Champions

Yumi Sin and Kitty possess unique abilities that synergize well with a variety of champions. Understanding these synergies can help players create powerful team compositions that enhance their overall performance.

One notable synergy is between Yumi Sin and champions with crowd control abilities. Yumi Sin’s ultimate, Final Hour, grants her and her team increased attack speed and movement speed. Combining this with champions like Ashe, who has strong crowd control abilities, allows the team to lock down enemies and maximize the damage output during Final Hour’s duration.

Champion Pairings

  • Yumi Sin + Ashe:Ashe’s ultimate, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, provides a long-range stun that sets up Yumi Sin’s Final Hour for maximum impact.
  • Yumi Sin + Morgana:Morgana’s ultimate, Soul Shackles, can immobilize multiple enemies, allowing Yumi Sin’s team to focus their attacks and burst down targets quickly.
  • Yumi Sin + Maokai:Maokai’s ultimate, Nature’s Grasp, can provide area-of-effect crowd control, allowing Yumi Sin’s team to engage or disengage as needed.

Ending Remarks

Yumi Sin and Kitty are a formidable duo that can dominate the Rift with their unique combination of mobility, damage, and support. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, building an effective team composition, and mastering advanced techniques, players can unleash the full potential of this dynamic pair and climb the ranked ladder.

Questions and Answers: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

What are the key strengths of Yumi Sin?

Yumi Sin excels in mobility and burst damage potential, making her a deadly threat to enemy carries.

How can I effectively utilize Kitty’s abilities?

Kitty’s abilities provide Yumi Sin with mobility, protection, and crowd control, allowing her to engage and disengage fights with ease.

What is the ideal team composition for Yumi Sin and Kitty?

Yumi Sin and Kitty benefit from a team composition that includes champions with crowd control, engage potential, and protection.

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About the Author: Jason